Access Keys:

Primrose Hill National School, Celbridge, Co. Kildare

Physical Education

We would like your opinion on PE in our school. This survey will just take a few minutes: PE Parent Survey

Children avail of Physical Education for 60 timetabled minutes a week. Depending on the age group of the class, this may be done in three 20 minute sessions, two half hours, one 60 minute session etc.

The six strands of the Physical Education curriculum are: Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Outdoor and Adventure Activities and Aquatics.

All pupils are provided with 60 minutes timetabled PE every week.

All classes are taught at least 5 different PE strands every year.

All teachers work together to strengthen their delivery of a different PE strand every year. This year we have chosen GAMES and all teachers are using the Move Well, Move Often (Fundamental Movement Skills) resources to prioritise and develop at least 4 fundamental movement skills associated with GAMES.

Our school teaches the Land PAWS water safety programme at one or more class levels every year.

Our PE equipment and resources are clearly labelled, well organised and accessible in our PE Store in the GP room. Children also have access to balls, hula hoops, goals, skipping ropes and basketball hoops during their break times. The children take responsibility for storing these in the foyer area every day. The senior classes each have sets of Table Tennis nets and bats (a lovely gift from the ASF team) that can be used on the classroom tables.

All pupils receive PE homework once per week, related to the PE strand that they are working on at the time.

29th May 2024
All pupils took part in our Marathon Relay today, and all classes gave each other...
29th Feb 2024
We are delighted to have trainer Andy working with the children for the next 6 weeks....